Bold Alligator 2014: Long Range Raid to Support Embassy Under Seige

By Second Line of Defense

With global events like what is happening in Venezuela, it is good that the Marines having been looking forward to the challenge of embassy extraction a difficult situation.

11/06/2014: Bold Alligator 2014 is a crisis response exercise and continues the work of BA 2012 and BA 2013. It is about calibrating insertion forces against various threats. The forces are American and coalition with several nations contributing ships, and combat personnel to both the planning and execution of the missions.

The exercise involves working with an evolving C2 capability to manage forces operating throughout key objective areas. The presence of the Osprey allows the US and its allies to operate against longer range objective areas as well as other objective areas reachable by rotorcraft and reinforced by landing forces.

In this video, the tiltrotar enabled SP-MAGTF deploys from North Carolina to India at Muscatatuck Urban Training Center on November 3, 2014 representing the long-range arm of the exercise.

Credit:Camp Atterbury Public Affairs:11/3/14