Key Developments

Reshaping an Arsenal of Democracy: Australia as an Anchor for Allied Defence Production

By Robbin Laird

When one considers ways ahead in terms of allied Pacific defence, the question of supplies, magazine…

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Capabilities, Communication and Credibility: The Deterrence Equation Applied to Australia

By Robbin Laird

Recently, I met with Dr. Andrew Carr of Australian National University to discuss the way ahead…

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The Philippine Defense Strategic Opportunity: Enabling Allied and Partner Innovation

By Robbin Laird

As China expands its reach in the first island chain and aggressively goes after Philippine naval…

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The Dangers of Not Resisting and Not Deterring China

By Paul Dibb

Other than the Middle East, the world faces the possibility of two major wars escalating in…

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The Defense Industrial Base is Indispensable to U.S. Security and Prosperity

By Jo Ann Y. Williams, Ed.D.

With Labor Day behind us, it is fitting to reflect on the contributions of all those…

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How Soon Will the U.S. Return to Afghanistan?

By James Durso

Afghanistan’s ruling Taliban just announced the country will re-open its embassy in Muscat, Oman. This follows…

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Special Reports
On September 26, 2024, the most recent seminar of The Sir Richard Williams Foundation was held. It was...
Book Review
We have launched a series which provides the insights of leading strategic thinkers on global change in our time. The past 15 years have seen dramatic changes which are driving further change in the global system. The series provides insights...
Featured Defense System
By Robert Kenney

The Pentagon has released two reports in recent weeks that detail the official investigations into the causes of two fatal Osprey accidents in 2023. These reports have been followed by media stories delving deeper into the issues raised in the official reports. The report on the Marine Corps MV-22 accident on Aug. 27, 2023, that took the lives of three service members, has pointed to operator error as the clear causal factor, not the aircraft. The report also focused on squadron leadership who “permitted cultural issues that disregarded safety of flight.” The report on the Air Force CV-22 that crashed off Japan on Nov. 29, 2023, killing eight airmen is more complicated. It implicated both a failure of material and subsequent operator error in decision-making that rendered a serious but salvageable situation impossible...

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