Looking Back: Articles and Studies Published Between 2002 and 2013
I am writing a book with my friend Kenneth Maxwell entitled “Two Twentieth Century Men in the 21st Century” which looks at the signifiant periods of change we have lived through and how are careers were navigations through the flux of change.
In so doing, we have been forced to dig up not only our own pasts but we have had to put ourselves back into each decade we have lived through.
It feels quite like being an archeologist of one’s own life but also that of exploring several decades of contemporary history which are very different from one another.
It is like being a member of the Time Team but you are looking at your own history.
Since I launched the initial web site in 2009, it is much easier to have an ability to track my work since then.
Much harder has been the first decade of the 21st century.
This is not only because I was working on a wide variety of issues and in both Europe and the United States, but I published my work in a wide variety of American and European publications.
I have brought some of these together in this publication which does not simply reflect my work but also key issues of the decade.
Several of these pieces I worked with my co-authors, Alan Dupas, Murielle Delaporte, Hal Malmgren and Ed Timperlake.
For a PDF version of the report, see the following:
Articles Published Between 2002 and 2013 on Strategic IssuesFor an e-book version, see the following:
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